environment day quotes now 2017

  1. ⇚Switch off anything that uses electricity when not in use⇜

  2. ⇙Avoid using disposable items.

  3. ⇙Don’t waste food.

  4. ⇙Walk or ride a bicycle when your destination is close to home.

  5. ⇙Switch to compact fluorescent or LED light bulbs.

  6. ⇙Make your yard friendly to wildlife

  7. ⇙Avoid pesticides, herbicides, and man-made chemical fertilizers.

  8. ⇙Plant a tree.

  9. ⇙Donate or share usable household items.

  10. ⇘Join an environmental organization.

  11. ⇘Donate to an environmental cause.

  12. ⇗Volunteer your time.

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