Take a Walk Down the Lanes of Communication's

  1. Just a plain walk few years back, communication was not the way it ought to be today. Many years before the days of tweeting and texting communication was a little different. Communicating in itself was a daunting task which took lots of time and labor. Success was important enough to be anticipated with a throbbing heart. It took weeks for the message to reach its destination. Communication enjoyed significance and the process had a paradise of its own. Even with the help of animals and use of structured hand signals it used to take weeks to get the message communicated.

  2. It is an enigmatic journey which communication travelled through the ages. So many voyages and so many expeditions were made through the ages. All of them testified a new chapter in the history of communication. When we look back at the evolution of communication human attempted the most strange yet miraculous ways to achieve our objectives. From animals to trained pigeons to horse riders, man innovated the process of sending and receiving messages in the most magnificent and incredulous ways.

  3. The enigmatic expedition of communiqué started almost five to seven million years ago when spoken word stories found itself being in oral communication. When I look back at my childhood I can't thank any more to civilization for the evolution of spoken word stories. I remember listening to the tales of mythology from my grandmother - the most subtle way to nurture our brain with the very first seeds of knowledge. Then came the Neanderthal cave paintings almost 33,000 years ago. The first postal service was opened by the government of China in 900 BC. Chinese soldiers were great communicators. They were able to transmit messages as far away as 750 kms in just a few years with smoke signals along the Great Walls.

  4. The record of first handwritten manuscript dates back to 301-800 AD. 1150 AD was the age of pigeon carriers. These bobble-head birds were once the treasured as the most dutiful postman. 1450 AD was witness to one of the most path breaking inventions of mankind. This was the year when Gutenberg Printing Press was invented which also ushered the Renaissance. And the history moves on with the invention of the typewriter, telephone, television, commercial radio, word process, email and finally internet in 1969.

  5. The world was awakened to the new era of communication with the launch of the Search Engines in 1990. There was no looking back after that as one innovation followed another with wikis in 1994, instant messaging in 1996 and finally social networking in 2002. The world of communication was no longer the same. It became more convenient and easier than ever. There was a time when man had to wait for week after week with the anticipation of their communication being successful and now it doesn't even take even a mili second to get our message communicated. Even when I am writing this piece of article for you all to read I am communicating in the most magnificent ways, knowing that my thoughts would reach to thousands and millions even to places that I am not aware about.

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