New Short Awkward Moment Quotes

  • The awkward moment when you have crunchy food in a room full of silent people.

  • That awkward moment when Jesus says 'Follow Me' and you ask for his Twitter user name.

  • That awkward moment when you chew on someone else's pen. :P

  • That awkward moment when you congratulate a fat lady for being pregnant.

  • That awkward moment when your crush asks you who you like.

  • The awkward moment when you think a customer is a salesperson.

  • That awkward moment when someone you hate says something funny and you try not to laugh. :P

  • That awkward moment when you try checking out a friend's Page, and you find out you've been blocked. :P

  • That awkward moment when you have 10 tabs open and you cant figure out which one the music is coming from.

  • That awkward moment when you're walking out of a room like a model and your bag hooks on the door handle. :P

  • That awkward moment when shipping and handling costs more than your order. :P

  • That awkward moment when someone likes your Facebook picture you uploaded 8 months ago... :P

  • That awkward moment when you throw something at your friend and it hits somebody else. :P

  • That awkward moment when you're playing with your pen in class and suddenly it flies across the room.

  • That awkward moment when you sing the wrong part of a song with confidence.

  • That awkward moment when someone's staring at your keyboard while you're typing your password.

  • That awkward moment when you insult someone in a status without using their name and they're so clueless they like it.

  • That Awkward moment when you go out wearing new clothes and none of your friends see you, so you wear them again the next day.

  • That awesome moment when you say something really funny and everyone laughs, so you just sit there like a boss. :P

  • That awkward moment when you are single and all of your friends are in a relationship. :P

  • That awkward moment when someone deletes their comment on Facebook and you look like you are talking to yourself..!! :P

  • That awkward moment when you don't know if you should hug someone or not.

  • That awkward moment when you wave to someone and it turns out they were waving to the person behind you. :P

  • That awkward moment when you accidentally call your boss 'Honey'.

  • That awkward moment when you want to buy something, check the price and sadly, leave it there.

  • That awkward moment when you are late for class, and when you walk in, everyone stares at you like you killed someone.

  • That awkward moment when a teacher catches you texting.

  • That awkward moment when you wave to someone... but they don't wave back! :P

  • That awkward moment when you say 'Hey' to someone on Facebook chat, and seconds later they sign out.. :P

  • The awkward moment when you're eating dinner at someone else's house and you don't like the food, but you have to pretend to like it.

  • That awkward moment when your mom compares you to another kid and yet she has NO idea how much worse they are than you.

  • That awkward moment when you're checking yourself out in the window of a car and then realize there is someone inside.

  • That awkward moment when you see one of your old best friends, but they hate you now.

  • That awkward moment when the internet isn't working and you genuinely don't know what to do with your life.

  • That awkward moment when you accidentally type your password into your user name box. :P

  • That awkward moment when a little kid stares at you like you have done something wrong.

  • That awkward moment when you pick up the remote control to answer the phone.

  • That awkward moment when somebody is talking about you when you're right there. :D

  • The awkward moment when you say look a star, but its really an airplane. :D

  • The awkward moment when your phone vibrates in a quiet class, and everybody hears it. :O

  • The awkward moment when you want to talk with someone from your past, but you can't find a topic of discussion :P :D

  • That awkward moment when you're drinking something and your straw gets a hole in it.

  • The awkward moment when you've already said 'what?' three times and still have no idea what the person said, so you just agree. :P

  • The awkward moment when you're in the movie theater and your little baby sister/brother starts crying and everyone looks at you. :P

  • That awkward moment when someone calls your name and don't know where the voice is coming from so you ignore it. :P

  • That awkward moment when someone posts a status saying to like it, and nobody likes it. :P

  • That awkward moment when you're caught naked grabbing a towel, thinking nobody was home. :D

  • That awkward moment when someone says hello and you answer good you??

  • That awkward moment when you say the wrong answer aloud in class... Confidently. :P

  • That Awkward Moment when a package says 'Easy open' and you end up using scissors, knife, hammer, gun and a light saber trying to open it.

  • That awkward moment when you call your teacher mom... :P

  • That awkward moment in class when your teacher asks you a question and everyone's watching you and you have no clue what the answer is.

  • Its awkward moment when you post a funny status on Facebook and someone has to ruin it by commenting being all serious!

  • That awkward moment when you fart really loud and look around all obvious to see if anybody is looking.

  • That Awkward Moment - When everyone is laughing and you're like 'What just happened?'

  • The awkward moment when someone starts a sentence with the awkward moment when its not even awkward.

  • The awkward moment when someone tells you how much they hate someone, and then the next day they're best friends.

  • That awkward moment when you post an awkward moment status on Facebook and spell awkward wrong. :P

  • Its awkward moment when you actually left your homework home.

  • That awkward moment when you're yelling at someone and you mess up a word.

  • Its awkward moment when you are ignoring a call and accidentally answer it. :P

  • Its awkward moment when you say 'Goodbye!' to someone but you both walk off in the same direction.

  • Its awkward moment when you tell your crush a joke and he doesn't get it.

  • Its awkward when someone is wearing a skin colored shirt and you think they're naked.

  • That awkward moment when you say 'I Love You' on the phone and the person says WHAT?? .......... COME AGAIN...!!

  • That awkward moment when you remember something funny in your head and laugh to yourself then see everybody looking at you like you're crazy.

  • The awkward moment when you reach over grab your cup to drink and just realize you have nothing left and thinking when did I take my last sip. :P

  • That awkward moment when you start telling a story and you realize no one's listening, so you slowly fade out and pretend you never said anything.

  • That awkward moment during a test and you don't know any of the answers, so you just start laughing because you know you're screwed. :D :P

  • That awkward moment when you're at the grocery store and someones standing by what you need, so just you pretend to look at something else until they move.

  • That awkward moment when you forgot to end the call on your mobile phone, now your crush knows what you're saying to your friends about them! :P

  • That awkward moment when I ask you to share my page on your profile, but you don't because you don't want your friends to know where you get your funny statuses. :P

  • The awkward moment when your friend is arguing with their parents and their parents turns towards you and asks 'Do you ever talk to your parents like this?' :P

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