Motivational Quotes SMSText Messages2017

Give yourself a chance,
Give yourself the moment,
Give yourself the freedom,
Give yourself the power,
Give yourself the confidence,
Live for today not for tomorrow,
Live the EXTREME !!!!!!!
Because you got yourself only one life... LIVE IT...
Three simple rules in life

If you do not GO after what you want,
You will never heave it.
If you do not ASK,
the answer will always be NO.
If you do not step FORWARD,
you will always be in the same place.
Dont Fear For Facing Failure
In The First Attempt
Bcoz Even Successful Maths
Also Starts With Zero Only.

When Life Seems To Put Out Every Light You Have,
It Is Better to Light A Candle
Than To Complain About The Darkness.


Things aren't always as they seem.

Umm-e-moosa was told to throw her son in the river
Hazrat yusuf (a.s) was left to die in a well.
Hazrat maryam delivered a child alone.
Hazrat yunus (a.s) was swallowed by a fish
Hazrat ibrahim (a.s) was thrown in the fire.

Yet look at how it turned out for them, in the end.

Allah always has a better plan for us,
Things may not start off too Well,
But the ending is usually better than we except.

If today you are facing hard times,
Have faith and pray for a better tomorrow.

Miracles do happen when
You seek guidance from Allah.

For he is all-knowing,
All-wise & all-powerful.

A.r rehman was asked at his award function:
"which is your best music?"
he replied,
"my next music"
so let ur aim be better than before.

I know that you would be able

to get through this by yourself,

but why should you have to?

I just wanted you to know that

I am here for you always.

In race between lion & deer,

Many time deer wins.
Because lion runs 4 food & deer 4 life.

Remember; ''Purpose is more important than need"

"An Idea that is developed
put into Action
is more important than
an Idea that exists as an Idea only."

Worries Are Like MOON

1 Day will Increase
1 Day will Decrease
Other Day may not be seen

So Don't Worry 4 Anything.
All Iz Well. Keep :)

There is No Royal Road to Success,
But after Success Every Road Becomes Royal,

Best wishes for those who believe in Struggle!

Faith is important.
No matter how you pray, meditate, relax.
Have faith that it will work
it really will .

Struggling people never
Plan to rest, they
Always plan to struggle
More effectively instead of rest
Because they know
"Time has no holidays.."
Always do wat u r afraid to do in life because,
to the questions of life
You are the answer
To the problems of life
You are the solution

Its all in "U". :)
A race horse that consistently
runs just 1 second faster
than others is worth millions of dollars more.
Don't compromise on 2nd position in life.

Most of us never reach the level of achievement
of which we are capable
because we don't challenge ourselves . . .
let us keep ourself challenging.

Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end.
It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing,
it's when you've had everything to do and you've done it.

If the facts don't fit the theory,

change the facts.
A mind, like a home,
is furnished by its owner,
so if ones life is cold and bare
he can blame none but himself.

An Old man has 8 hair on his head.
He went to Barber shop.
Barber in anger asked:
shall i cut or count ?
Old man smiled and said:
"Colour it!"
LIFE is to enjoy with whatever you have with you, keep smiling.

If you see the moon
You see the beauty of God

If you see the Sun
You see the power of God


If you see the Mirror
You see the best Creation of GOD .

So Believe in YOURSELF.
Consult not your fears
but your hopes and your dreams.

Think not about your frustrations,
but about your unfulfilled potential.

Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in,
but with what it is still possible for you to do.

(Pope John XXIII)

Know the true value of time;
snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it.
No idleness, no delay, no procrastination;
never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

Finish each day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities have crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day;
you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit
to be encumbered with your old nonsense.

Work as though you would live forever,
and live as though you would die today.

What the mind of man can conceive and believe,
the mind of man can achieve.
There is no end.
There is no beginning.
There is only the
infinite passion of life.

Don't Think About What You Haven't Got......"

Think About What You Have Got
How To Use It ....."

Good Morning & Stay Blessed

Its not
who you are that holds you back,
who you think youre not.

To be yourself in a world
that is constantly trying to
make you something else is
the greatest accomplishment.
At least three times every day
take a moment and ask yourself
what is really important.
Have the wisdom and the courage
to build your life around your answer.

Do not go where the path may lead,
go instead where there
is no path and leave a trail.

No one will manufacture a lock without a key.
Similarly, God wont give problems without solutions.
So defeat your problems with great confidence.
Stay Simple n Be Happy
When Things Go Wrong,
Don't Go Blue.
Just Pray n Say
"I Will Get Through".
Always Remember,
GOD Loves You!!!

Don't ever give up.
Even when it seems impossible,
Something will always
pull you through.
The hardest times get even
worse when you lose hope.
As long as you believe you can do it, You can.

But When you give up,
You lose !
The man who trims himself
to suit everybody will soon
whittle himself away.

All successful people men and women are big dreamers.
They imagine what their future could be,
ideal in every respect,
and then they work every day
toward their distant vision,
that goal or purpose.

Never Get Discouraged
When things Go Beyond Your Expectation,
Always Remember That
The Gretest Glory In Life Is Not Wining
Rising Every Time When You Fall.

There are no accidents...
there is only some purpose
that we haven't yet understood.

Barriers are those things
We see
We take our eyes off the goal.
Stay focused!

Ultimate Message Worth Sharing:

-Before You Say I Can'T, Make Sure You'Ve Tried.
-Before You Let Doubts Stop You, Confront Them With Facts.
-Before Fear Holds You Back, Go Forward With Faith.
-Before You Believe Others Are Better, Show Them What A Winner You Are.
-Before You Dismiss Your Dreams, Wait Until They'Ve Come True.
-Before You Go Looking For Happiness, Make Your Own Wherever You Are...!

“Don't walk behind me;

I may not lead.

Don't walk in front of me;

I may not follow.

Just walk beside me and be my friend.”

There is no
such thing
in anyone's life
as an unimportant day.
The nearest way to glory is to strive to be
what you wish to be thought to be.

Man's mind,
once stretched by a new idea,
never regains its original dimensions.

Self-pity gets you nowhere.
One must have the adventurous daring to accept
oneself as a bundle of possibilities and
undertake the most interesting game
in the world -- making the most of one's best.

Hard work beats talen
Talent doesn't work hard.

The only man who never makes mistakes
is the man who never does anything.

One half of our heart always knows

that some wishes would never come true,

still the second half waits for magic

and miracles to happen....

Its hope

Do not take life too seriously.

You will never get out of it alive.

A happy person is not a person
in a certain set of circumstances,

but rather a person with
a certain set of attitudes.
An arrow can only be shot by pulling it backward.
When life is dragging you back with difficulties,
it means its going to launch you into something great.
So just focus, and keep aiming.

Remember, happiness doesn't depend
upon who you are or what you have,
it depends solely upon what you think.

Tough times are like physical exercise,
You may not like it while you are doing it
but tomorrow you'll be stronger because of it.

Living in the favourable and unfavourable situation is called

But smiling in all those situations is called

'The life that you are living now,

is also a dream of millions.

so always be satisfied with your life.!!

If you deliberately plan on being less
than you are capable of being,
then I arn you that you'll be
unhappy for the rest of your life.
Someone Has To Hurt You
Deep Enough
To Make You Realize
How Better Your Life
Is Without Them In It. . . !!!

You can have anything you want,
if you want it badly enough.
You can be anything you want to be,
do anything you set out to accomplish if you
hold to that desire with singleness of purpose.
A good plan of today
is better than a great plan of tomorrow.

Look backward with satisfaction
& look forward with confidence.

If you wait for happy moments,
You will wait forever.
If you start believing that you are happy,
You will be happy forever.
A Fantastic Sentence written
on every Japanees Bus Stop..
"Only Buses Will Stop Here, not your Time..
So Keep Walking Towards your Goal"

If your problem is
as big as a ship,
never forget that Allah's blessings are
as wide as an ocean."

If You Translate
Every Mistake Of Your Life
Into a 'Positive' One,

You Will Never Be A
'Prisoner Of Your Past',
But A "Designer Of Your Future"

Faith is taking the first step
even when you don't see the whole staircase.

Entire water of the sea can't sink a ship
unless it gets inside the ship.

Similarly, negativity of the world
can't put you down
unless you allow it to get inside you.

Flexibility in a stem makes

a tree stand in storm.

Flexibility in behaviour makes

a human win hearts...
You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust.
You were born with ideals and dreams.
You were born with greatness.
You were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling, so dont.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.
"Life is like a novel and every day is a new page.
so if a page is sad next will b happy..
so don't worry turn the page and enjoy the life..
There are those
who dream and wish
there are those
who dream and work.

Death is not the biggest fear we have;
our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive --
the risk to be alive and express what we really are.

The plus symbol is made
with 2 minus symbols!"

So all NEGATIVE things
can B shaped as positives
by our SMART work & POSITIVE thinking!

All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination,
Imagination is the workshop of your mind,
capable of turning mind energy
into accomplishment and wealth.

If you believe in what you are doing,
then let nothing hold you up in your work.
Much of the best work of the world
has been done against seeming impossibilities.

Every human has four endowments
independent will
creative imagination.
These give us the ultimate human freedom...
The power to choose, to respond, to change.

What we can or cannot do,
what we consider possible or impossible,
is rarely a function of our true capability.
It is more likely a function of our
beliefs about who we are.
People become really quite remarkable
when they start thinking that they can do things.
When they believe in themselves
they have the first secret of success.
People often say that
motivation doesn't last.
Well, neither does bathing -
that's why we recommend it daily.
The only way of finding
the limits of the possible
is by going beyond them
into the impossible.

It is hard to fail,
but it is worse never
to have tried to succeed.
(Theodore Roosevelt)
Twenty years from now you will be
more disappointed by the things that you
didn't do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbour.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
We are what we repeatedly do.
is not an act,
but a habit.

Our greatest glory
is not in never failing
but in rising up every time we fail.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Far better it is to dare mighty things,
to win glorious triumphs,
even though chequered by failure,
than to take rank with those poor souls
who neither enjoy much nor suffer much,
because they live in the grey twilight that
knows neither victory nor defeat.
Issue a blanket pardon.
Forgive everyone who has ever hurt you in any way.
Forgiveness is a perfectly selfish act.
It sets you free from the past
Unexpected results & Problems r part of life.
Never loose HOPE in any condition,
bcoz darkness of night always finish with light of day.
Human can live about 20days without food,
about 3days without water,
about 5 mints without air
not for 1secnd without HOPE.

A leaf which falls from d tree is at d mercy of wind,
it goes wherever wind takes it..

be d wind 2 drive others,
not d leaf to be driven by others.!


Take Risks in Your Life"
If u Win, U Can Lead!
If u Loose, U Can Guide! :)

For true success ask
yourself these four questions:
Why not?
Why not me?
Why not now?
(James Allen)
Negative Thinking Is As Importnt
As Creative Thinking
If Creative Thinking Invents Aeroplane
Den Negative Thinking Invents Parachute.

A baby mosquito came back after its 1st fight.
Dad asked: "how did u feel?"
It replied: "Dad it was wonderful. evry1 ws clappin 4 me"

Moral: Take evrything positively

Don't be scared by a person
who practices a 100 kicks one time,
fear a person
who practices 1 kick a 100 times.

Always learn to be a servant;
and then
you will be fit to be a master.

Life is a great travel trip...
Problem is that it doesnt come with a map.
We've to search
our own ways to reach the Destinations...!

"The duck looks smooth & calm on top of water,
under that there is restless pedaling..
Nothing is worth without struggle in real life

When problems are so big
your strength is no longer enough to carry them,
don't give up.
Cause Where your strength ends,
the grace of ALLAH begins."
Success lies not in the result
but in the effort,

Being the best is not at all important,
doing the best is all that matters.

Anything is more important
when you can not get it.

When you can get it
this is less important for you.

This is nature of every human.

People often say that beauty lies in d eyes of beholder
n I say that most liberating thing about beauty
is realizing that u r the beholder,
this empowers us to find beauty
where others havent dared to look;
including inside ourselves.
Sitting at the table doesn't make you a diner,
unless you eat some of what's on that plate.
Being in America doesn't make you an American.
Being born in America doesn't make you an American...
proud it where ever you from....
"Every successfull person has a painfull story"
"Every painfull story has a successfull ending"

Accept the pain
get ready to success..
Learn from yesterday,
live for today,
hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is
to not stop questioning.

Whatever you are by nature, keep to it,
Never desert your line of talent.
Be what nature intended you for
you for sure will succeed.Insha'Allah

An Airoplane Is Always Safe At Ground.
But It's Not Made For That.
So Always Take Some Meaningful Risks In
Life To Get Great Acheivment.

The secret of health for both mind and body
is not to mourn for the past,
not to worry about the future,
nor to anticipate troubles,
but to live in the present
moment wisely and earnestly.

Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness.
Laugh when you can,
apologize when you should,
and let go of what you cant change.

(Mark Twain)

Your life is in your hands,
to make of it what you choose
(John Kehoe)

Let others lead small lives, but not you.
Let others argue over small things,but not you.
Let others cry over small hurts, but not you.
Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you.
The greater danger for most of us
is not that our aim is too high and we miss
it, but that it is too low and we reach it.

When You Thought I Wasn't Looking
(Written By A Child)

A Message Every Adult Should Read, Because Children
Are Watching You And Doing As You Do, Not As You Say.

When You Thought I Wasn't Looking, I Saw You Hang My
First Painting On The Refrigerator, And I Immediately Wanted
To Paint Another One.

When You Thought I Wasn't Looking, I Saw You Feed A
Stray Cat, And I Learned That It Was Good To Be Kind
To Animals.

When You Thought I Wasn't Looking, I Saw You Make My
Favorite Cake For Me And I Learned That The Little Things Can Be
The Special Things In Life.

When You Thought I Wasn't Looking, I Heard You Say A
Prayer, And I Knew There Is A God I Could Always
Talk To And I Learned To Trust In God.

When You Thought I Wasn't Looking, I Saw You Make A
Meal And Take It To A Friend Who Was Sick, And I
Learned That We All Have To Help Take Care Of Each Other.

When You Thought I Wasn't Looking, I Saw.

The world has the habit of
making room for the man
whose words and actions
show that he knows where he is going
(Napoleon Hill)

You must have
long range goals
to keep you
from being frustrated
by short range failures.

10 Marvellous Quotations..!!

1. I am a great believer in luck, and i find that the harder i work, the more i have of it!
2. Whenever you fall, pick something up!
3. No one can climb the ladder of success, with both hands in the pocket!
4. I am a slow walker but i never walked back!
5. Tough times never last, but tough people do!
6. A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins!
7. Not failure, but low aim is a crime!
8. Your aspirations are your possibilities!
9. The highest result of education is tolerence!
10. Control your destiny or somebody else will.

Mushkilen dil k irade aazmayen gi
Nigahon se khuwabon k parde hataye gi

Gir kar kabhi himat na harna
Yehi thokren tumhain zindagi main chalna sikhayen gi

"Never feel sad on losing anything in your life
Because whenever a Tree loses its leaf,
A new leaf is ready to take its place!"

The most determinative sentence
which should alwayz be followed in life-

Coins always make sound,
But the currency notes are always silent.
So, when your value increases,
Keep yourself calm and silent.
Gud Day!

Give thousand chances to your enemy
To become your friend.
But never give a single chance to your Friend
To become your enemy.

If you talk or say something
after you think about it
this is not a success.

If you think and talk or say something
this is you success of your life.

One day i told her you are just like a sun
she got angry with me.

Another day i told her
you just like a moon she was very Happy.

But i told her the moon has no own light
the sun give him his own light.

If You Tell The Truth, It Becomes A Part Of Your Past
If You Lie, It Becomes A Part Of Your Future!
Choice Is Yours!

The fear of death follows
from the fear of life.
A man who lives fully is
prepared to die at any time.

Desire is the starting point of all achievement,
not a hope, not a wish,
but a keen pulsating desire,
which transcends everything.

He who controls others may be powerful,
but he who has mastered
himself is mightier still.

Being a good person
is like a being a goal keeper
No matter how many goals we save,
People will remember
only the one that you missed.

7 Secrets of success

I found the answer in my room.
Roof said: Aim high
Fan said: Be cool
Clock said: Every minute is precious
Mirro said: Reflect before you act
Window said: See the world
Calendar said: Be up-to-date
Door said: Push hard to achieve your goals.


Smooth roads never make good drivers!
Smooth sea never makes good sailors!
Clear Skies never make good pilots!
Problem free life never makes a strong & good person!
Be strong enough to accept the challengers of life.
Don't ask Life
"Why me?"
Instead say
"Try Me!"

empathy ...
Lift us above the
simple beasts
define humanity

Nothing in the nature lives for itself

Rivers don't drink their own water

Trees don't eat their own fruit

Sun doesn't give heat for itself

Moon doesn't ever go on honeymoon

Flowers don't spread fragrance for themselves

Living for Others is the Rule of Nature

Do more then belong - participate
Do more then care - help
Do more then believe - practice
Do more then b fair - b kind
Do more then 4give - 4get
Do more then dream - work


What Did U Read?

LiFe Is No Where!!
LiFe IS Now Here!!

Just BeautifuL Line To Say,
"LiFe Depends On The Way We Look It"

Be grateful that
You don’t have everything you want
It means you still have an
opportunity to be happier
tomorrow than your today !!
DREAM - More
THINK - High
PLAN - Perfect
BE - Confident
WORK - Hard

The winners of life's game aren't those
who have never tasted failure
Those who have tasted failure
again and again but never give up

The roots of true achievement
Lie in the will
to become the best
you can become ..."

Trying May Not Guarantee
S U C C E S S,
Not Trying Guarantees
F A I L U R E.....

Trust yourself
Create D Kind Of Self that
You'll B Happy 2 Live with
All Ur life
Make D Most Of yourself
By Fanning D Tiny, inner
Sparks Of Possibility In
2 Flames Of Achievements ... :)

Be like a candle
which burns itself
gives light to others
In this world people will always throw stones
in the path of ur success,
it depends on you...
What you make from them
a wall
a bridge

Enjoy the little things,
for one day you may look back
and realize they were the big things.

In life, dont expect anything from anyone.
Because expectation, when not fulfilled, gives you pain.
When you get something without expecting it,
It gives you pleasure.
Keep doing your part
And leave the rest to God.

"changing the face"
can change nothing ..
"facing the change"
can change everything.

Friendship is not collection of hearts
it is selection of hearts.

Have you ever noticed that
Royal Royce and Mercedes have any commercials.
Ans: NO..Why?

Reason: They know the value of their product
& that brings the customers to them.

Lesson: When u know ur value,
u don't have to beg people to be in ur life,
to be friends with u, to spend time with u or to love u.
Be confident in who u are,
just remember NOT everyone can handle LUXURY.

"If you want to
enjoy anything,
always think
today is the first day


If you want to achieve anything
always think today is the last day.

A bird sitting on the branch of a tree
is not afraid of the shaking branch
cause it trusts it's wings .

Moral- believe in yourself
My strength did not come
from lifting weights.

My strength came from
lifting myself when I was knocked down.

There are two rules for success:
1) Never tell everything you know
(Roger H. Lincoln)

Only those who will risk
going too far can possibly
find out how far one can go.

Circumstance does not make the man;
it reveals him to himself
James Allen

When u feel depressed, confused or hurt.
Don't worry stand in front of a mirror,
u will find the best one to solve your problem.

Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now.
Don't wait for something outside of yourself
to make you happy in the future. Think how
really precious is the time you have to spend,
whether it's at work or with your family.
Every minute should be enjoyed and savoured.
Earl Nightingale
Do not seek to follow in
the footsteps of the wise.
Seek what they sought.
If The Past Year Has Not Taught You Anything,
That’s Okay.
31st December Doesn't Mean It's Over.
As Long As You Have Life
There Is Hope For You To Accomplish
Greatness And Make Good Memories.
Every test in our life
makes us bitter or better,

Every problem comes
to make us or break us,

Choice is our whether
we become victim or victorious..!!

If you always put limits on everything you do,
physical or anything else.
It will spread into your work and into your life.
There are no limits. There are only plateaus,
and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.

The highest reward for
man's toil is not what he gets for it,
but what he becomes by it.

'The Size Of Candles May Differ
But They Yield The Same Brightness.
It's Not The Matter Of Your Position,
But Your Ability That Shines.'

3 Simple rules in life

1. If you do not GO after what you want,
You will never have it.

2. If you do not ASK,
The answer will always be NO.

3.If you do not step FORWARD,
You will ALWAYS be in the same place.

Be miserable.
Or motivate yourself.
Whatever has to be done,
it's always your choice.

Seize the moment of excited curiosity
on any subject to solve your doubts;
for if you let it pass,
the desire may never return,
and you may remain in ignorance.

What you are is what you have been,
and what you will be is what you do now.

The biggest enemy of success is "Fear of failure"
So when FEAR knocks at your DOOR,
send COURAGE to open the DOOR
success will wait for you.

Never waste an opportunity 2 say
I love U to someone U really like
Bcoz it is not everyday Ull meet the person
Who has the magic to let U fall in love.

Are you bored with life?
Then throw yourself into some work
you believe in with all your heart,
live for it,
die for it,
and you will find happiness that
you had thought could never be yours.
You can't have a better
tomorrow if you are
thinking about
yesterday all the time.

Charles F. Kettering

Dance as if no ones watching,
Love as if its never going to hurt.

Life spent with someone
for a lifetime may be meaningless,

But a few moments spent
with someone who really loves U,

Means more than a life itself!

Erasers are for people who make errors.
But a better saying:
Erasers are for people willing to correct their mistakes.

One of the simplest ways
to stay happy is...

Letting go of the things
that makes you sad.

If An Egg Breaks Due 2 OUTSIDE Force!
"Inside Life ENDs!"
If it Breaks from inside! "Life Begins!"
"GREAT Things Always Begin from Inside!
So try to make your inside GOOD!

Take risks in your life
If you win, you can lead!
If you lose, You can Guide!

The greatest discovery of my generation
is that a human being can alter his
life by altering his attitudes of mind.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited.
Imagination encircles the world.

If u never tasted a bad apple.
You would never appreciate a good apple.
You have to experience life to understand life.. :-)

Always bear in mind that
your own resolution to succeed
is more important than any one thing.


Every King was once a crying baby
every great building was once a map.
It's not important where u r TODAY,
where you will reach TOMORROW is important.

The whole secret of a successful life
is to find out what is one's destiny to do,
and then do it.

If a man does only what is required of him,
he is a slave.

If a man does more than is required of him,
he is a free man.

Confidence is a habit that
can be developed by acting
as if you already had
the confidence you desire to have.
You gain strength, courage and confidence
by every experience in which you really
stop to look fear in the face.
You must do the thing that you think you cannot do.

It is better to be hated
for what you are


to be loved for
what you are not.

Life is like a coin
Pleasure and pain are the two sides,
Only one side is visible at time,
But remember
other side also waiting for its turn

It was a high counsel that
I once heard given to a young person,
"Always do what you are afraid to do.)
The best motivation is self-motivation.
The guy says, I wish someone would
come by and turn me on.
What if they dont show up?
Youve got to have a better plan for your life.
It is not because things are
difficult that we do not dare,
it is because we do
not dare that they are difficult.

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
Live the life you've imagined.

(Henry David Thoreau)

Alphabet "O" stand for Opportunity,
Which is absent in "yesterday"
Available once in "Today"
Thrice in "Tomorrow"
Stay Positive Always.

There are only two ways to live your life.
One is as though nothing is a miracle.
The other is as if everything is a miracle.

Always have a unique character like SALT,
It's presence is not felt


it's ABSENCE makes all things "TASTELESS"

You'll never be brave
if you don't get hurt.

You'll never learn
if you don't make mistakes.

You'll never be successful
if you don't encounter failure.

⇖It was character that got us out of bed,
commitment that moved us into action,
and discipline that enabled us to follow through.

⇖⇖Ah, but a man's reach
should exceed his grasp,
or what's a heaven for⇖⇖⇖

⇖⇖If people are not laughing at your goals,
your goals are too small⇖⇖⇖⇖
I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece.
I challenge you to join the ranks of
those people who live what they teach,
who walk their talk.
If you don't risk anything,
then you risk even more.

Impossible is a word
to be found only
in the dictionary of fools.
(Napoleon Bonaparte)

Live life like a pair of walking feet,
The foot that is forward has no pride
the foot behind has no shame

because they both knows their situation will change!

⇖⇖I've come to believe that
all my past failure and frustrations were actually
laying the foundation for the understandings
that have ⇖⇖created the new level of living I now enjoy.

⇖You and I are essentially infinite choice-makers.
In every moment of our existence,
we are in that field of all possibilities
where we have ⇖access to an infinity of choices.

You will never possess
what you are unwilling to pursue.

Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become.
Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be;
your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.

Failure is simply the opportunity
to begin again,
this time more intelligently.

Be strong enough to stand alone.
Smart enough to know when you need help.
Brave enough to ask for it(help).
Success is never permanent.
Failure is never final.

so always do not stop effort
until your victory makes a history.

⇖Water is the softest thing,
yet it can penetrate ⇖⇖mountains and earth.

This shows clearly
the principle of softness overcoming hardness.

Successful people make money.
It's not that people who make money become successful,
but that successful people attract money.
They bring success to what they do.

⇎⇎Cherish your visions and your dreams,
as they are the children of your soul,
the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.

⇖⇖The future belongs to those
who believe in
the beauty of their ⇡⇖dreams.

⇖Everything that is happening
at this moment is a result
of the choices ⇖you've made in the past.

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