quotes new best 2 line 1

  1. We have to accept that th!ere are certain things in our life that are inescapable. These are the things that come natural to us and are necessary to our existence.
  2. *****************!***********
  3. Attitude-flexibility is the mentality that helps us to smoothly persevere through turbulent times.
  4. ****************************

  5. Sometimes, the people that love you the most turn out to be the people you will trust the least.
  6. ****************************

  7. Believe in small things,!! because only there your strength lies .
  8. ****************************

  9. Life is an unfinished! art, few master it, most just bark.
  10. ****************************

  11. Sometimes, we only!truly find ourselves when we have lost ourselves first.
  12. ****************************
  13. Remember. It’s called a soulmate. Not an egomate. Not a walletmate. Not a lustmate.
  14. ****************************
  15. You know you’r!e in a good place when you no longer are interested in looking back. You prefer to enjoy the journey.
  16. ****************************

  17. All things which greatly hurt me greatly teach me.
  18. ****************************
  19. Life is a game. We must keep playing the game. The more we play, the more we will understand the game of life.
  20. ****************************

  21. Daily walk in nature brings tranquility to one’s life.
  22. ****************************

  23. If you have never fa!iled, then you have not known life.
  24. ****************************

  25. The wisdom from fail!ure is greater than the arrogance of success.
  26. ****************************

  27. Great literature makes a great life.
  28. ****************************

  29. The heart knows no!thing except its own mind.
  30. ****************************

  31. People never c!hange , they just get tired of being themselves and bring on a different persona to either benefit them or not.
  32. ****************************
  33. If you get NO as an answer, remember, N.O means “Next Opportunity”.
  34. ****************************
  35. A quiet soul, peaceful life.
  36. ****************************

  37. No moment is too small to claim. Strung together, moments fashion a life.
  38. ****************************

  39. Our Reality will Never Visioned By Others, Because Environment or Surroundings Modulate or Hide It. Self Realization is Very Important.
  40. ****************************

  41. A new day is a new beg!inning, a new life to live!
  42. ****************************
  43. When you have nothin!g to hide you have nothing to fear.
  44. ****************************
  45. Trust me on this one, nothing good ever comes from bad weather.
  46. ****************************

  47. We must be conscio!us of this; one day, the life we have, will be gone.
  48. ****************************

  49. Life is the art from our inner feeling.
  50. ****************************

  51. Time imparts toughe!r skin to the weakest and toughest to the weaker.
  52. ****************************
  53. Leaders must have splendid flavour of pretending for contending situations.
  54. ****************************

  55. Life is like a Chinese Bamboo tree, be patience, be persistence and be positive in your action one day it’s goes high and make sure it’s worth watching.
  56. ****************************
  57. Life without dreaming is like living without meaning.
  58. ****************************

  59. Life lessons are not journeys traveled in straight lines but are crossroads
  60. formed years and miles apart.
  61. ****************************

  62. Don’t be discourage!d by life’s difficulties. With hope and determination, you can triumph over any difficulties.
  63. ****************************

  64. Pursue your passion and live your best life.
  65. ****************************

  66. Failure is a sign p!st, directing the right road for life’s journey.
  67. ****************************

  68. It takes life to transform nightmares into dreams.
  69. ****************************
  70. When you are worried about thinking why you can’t, you are losing the reasons why you should.
  71. ****************************

  72. Life is an opportunity to bloom the flowers of love.
  73. ****************************

  74. Success makes tyrants of most of the humankind; making us forget basic courtesy, and being kind.
  75. ****************************

  76. Pursuit of desires!, divine passions.
  77. ****************************

  78. Life is all about the journey.
  79. ****************************
  80. Some people will a!pproach you , only when they need help! ?

  81. ****************************

  82. Peace can be fragile! and peace can be ugly and peace can be wrong. Peace built on lies is no peace at all.
  83. ****************************

  84. You have no control over what happens to you! You can only pray for grace and strength to endure any situation.
  85. ****************************

  86. The goal of life isn’t to make lots of money. Its to make a life that means EXCLUSIVE.
  87. ****************************

  88. Working together for a great mission is very fulfilling!
  89. ****************************

  90. Life is short and unpre!dictable. Don’t waste another minute on people, places and things that don’t make you happy.
  91. ****************************

  92. A person can learn a!ll manner of things, no matter where he finds himself, provided his spirit is determined.
  93. ****************************
  94. It’s not that we hav!e more patience as we grow older, it’s just that we’re too tired to care about all the pointless drama.
  95. ****************************

  96. People who !leave their drugs in a bathroom the guests use are just asking for trouble.
  97. ****************************

  98. By the time the Truth comes, you’d have been a sure-shot rascal, a long-gone bastard, a life-long sinner, but an ever-humble winner.
  99. ****************************
  100. When you embrace the darkness within, you will always live in the light.
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  102. Be kind, for the other is not another, but your mirrored kine.
  103. ****************************

  104. leadership is to lead your own self more than lead themselves .
  105. ****************************

  106. Morality is just a fiction used by the herd of inferior human beings to hold back the few superior men.
  107. ****************************

  108. Morality is just a fict!ion used by the herd of inferior human beings to hold back the few superior men.
  109. ****************************

  110. Lying solves nothin!g, Grace. Only creates problems.
  111. ****************************

  112. A successful marr!iage was a balancing act-that was a thing everyone knew. A successful marriage was also dependent on a high tolerance for irritation.
  113. ****************************
  114. Leaders lead while others live life.
  115. ****************************

  116. It’s not what the universe gives us that matters. It’s what we give the universe.
  117. ****************************

  118. Two basic principles; reading God’s word and praying regularly.
  119. ****************************

  120. So many people conce!ntrate on looks, but the invisible is sacred.

  121. ****************************

  122. Don’t live through the! moment – live in the moment! Always intend your life!
  123. ****************************

  124. Pain is the only pleasur!e in the world, this is the biggest paradox!
  125. ****************************

  126. Everything is only a transition.
  127. ****************************

  128. We have been redeemed from darkness to the light. So we must live as people of light!
  129. ****************************

  130. Be determined to live in the light.
  131. ****************************

  132. Your perception of life is determined by experiences you allow take its abode in your thought pattern.
  133. ****************************

  134. The most valuable lessons in life do not come when you are walking or running. They come when you fall down. You better take them and rise up!
  135. ****************************

  136. Motivation always sparks a fire within us.
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  138. Without consciousness t!here is no existence!
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  140. No matter how good you !act to be tough, your emotions will flow without your control..
  141. ****************************

  142. You may bend, but that !ill not bring your life to an end. Your refusal to give up is the key; your rose flowers blossom from the thorns of life!
  143. ****************************
  144. The past doesn’t EXIST. Neither is the future, so be present in the present. Just BE!
  145. ****************************

  146. Love connects a m!an to his woman, money a woman to his man.
  147. ****************************
  148. A street full of sha!dows will teach you what life is much better than the street full of lights!
  149. ****************************

  150. Try to get the imp!ortant things right at all the time, even at the cost of being right.
  151. ****************************

  152. Money is Necessary of Life, Not Life.
  153. ****************************
  154. Prayer is sustenance of life.
  155. ****************************

  156. Live life with great h!umility.
  157. ****************************
  158. Forgiving is doing a favor to yourself.
  159. ****************************

  160. Live simply, share yo!ur wealth with others.

  161. ****************************

  162. Mistakes Are Life’s! Lectures You Didn’t Plan To Attend But Situations Or People Made You Attend Them….Pay Attention And Learn From Them.
  163. ****************************

  164. Your prayers will certainly be answered. Everyone who asks receives.
  165. ****************************

  166. Life was not meant to be live alone.
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  168. We are all capable of being great dreamers.
  169. ****************************

  170. It should be some ki!nd of goal to be absolutely clear about your past experiences and have let them all go and accepted them in full.
  171. ****************************

  172. Shameless people are invincible.
  173. ****************************
  174. People think that! strength is about lifting weights in the gym. It’s more about getting up when you’re knocked down by life.
  175. ****************************
  176. Before one can stand, one needs to learn how to fall.
  177. ****************************
  178. Think before you act. Re!ason before you react.
  179. ****************************
  180. One doesn’t recognize the really! important moments in one’s life until it’s too late.
  181. ****************************

  182. We all have two lives. The second one begins when you realize you only have one.
  183. ****************************
  184. Blessed is the society that has oldies.
  185. ****************************

  186. Abundant gra!e, abundant life.
  187. ****************************

  188. Be thankful th!at you have clothes to wear, food to eat and a place to sleep.
  189. ****************************

  190. Let the gladness of your soul blossom.
  191. ****************************

  192. Live for those moments! T!hey keep you alive! There’s no better medicine than finding out that you’re wrong.
  193. ****************************

  194. We live not b!y the money we possess but by the goodness of the Creator.
  195. ****************************
  196. Life is generated! by love. Love is a friend to humility. The road to happiness is paved with humility, hence, be humble in life.
  197. ****************************
  198. Everything you want in life is a relationship away.
  199. ****************************

  200. There is no such thing as reality, only our perception of it.

  201. ****************************

  202. You just can’t le!t life happen to you, you have to make life happen.
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  204. Time management is about life management.
  205. ****************************

  206. If you become to!o comfortable in your life, you will not understand the discomfort of others.
  207. ****************************

  208. Every problem has! a solution; it may sometimes just need another perspective.
  209. ****************************
  210. We cannot pre!dict the behavior of people.
  211. ****************************

  212. Without challenge we become too comfortable with life.
  213. ****************************
  214. The life you have built around you is a reflection of what is within you. If you don’t like what you see, go inside.
  215. ****************************

  216. Foolishness is wronging your own soul.
  217. ****************************
  218. Each person in yo!ur life is a teacher, each experience in your life is a lesson. Living is like looking into a mirror, every teacher is you.
  219. ****************************

  220. There are no s!hortcuts on the quest for perfection.
  221. ****************************

  222. You cannot buy trust,you have to earn it.
  223. ****************************

  224. Don’t look at the difficulties on your path. Focus on the opportunities ahead.
  225. ****************************
  226. Some journeys in life can only be traveled alone.
  227. ****************************

  228. Failure is not defeat. It is the start of lifelong learning adventure.
  229. ****************************

  230. Lord thy will! be done in my life.
  231. ****************************

  232. We came us spirit i!nto the world. We shall depart us spirit out of the world.
  233. ****************************

  234. Believe, beli!eve and it shall be!
  235. ****************************
  236. God knows your every need.
  237. ****************************

  238. Beauty identif!ies by face, but justifies by only heart.
  239. ****************************

  240. Nothing will happe!n with a blink of an eye. However, it takes a lot of strategies to do something.

  241. ****************************

  242. You will get what yo!u wish to have.
  243. ****************************

  244. You live one tim!e on earth. Live each day with thankful heart.
  245. ****************************

  246. Life must be live daringly.
  247. ****************************

  248. Most people hav!e to get to a point where they don’t have a choice before they’ll change something.
  249. ****************************
  250. We came us spirit a!nd we shall depart us spirit.
  251. ****************************

  252. The graveyard is an everlasting home of every man.
  253. ****************************

  254. To see the dawn of a new beginning, You have to make a move in the Night.
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  256. You don’t have to worry. God will care for you.
  257. ****************************

  258. Dream and dare the world to object.
  259. ****************************

  260. Knowledge evolve!, understanding matures & wisdom progresses.
  261. ****************************
  262. One sure way to kill a dream, is to suffocate it with worry.
  263. ****************************

  264. You are never in! lack, you are always in fullness, realize it and live it.
  265. ****************************

  266. Hope is a great expectancy.
  267. ****************************

  268. Doing nothing!is also an action; not making a decision is making a decision.
  269. ****************************
  270. Life is so beautifu! that death has fallen in love with it, a jealous, possessive love that grabs at what it can get.
  271. ****************************

  272. Mistake is an event not a person.
  273. ****************************
  274. Believe in your future and your future will believe in
  275. you.
  276. ****************************

  277. Nobody can br!ing you a change. You have to want to change.
  278. ****************************

  279. You have to conqu!r every obstacle to realize the goal.
  280. ****************************

  281. The miraculous won!der of this blessed day is beyond my comprehension.

  282. ****************************

  283. Marriage coupl!e represent one heavenly being.
  284. ****************************

  285. A man and a woman represent two heavenly beings.
  286. ****************************
  287. Love evoke powerfu!l force of divinity in every man.
  288. ****************************

  289. Falling in love is th!e most beautiful wonder.
  290. ****************************

  291. Love rekindles! the soul of every man.
  292. ****************************

  293. Always stay young wit!h your looks, your thoughts should speak your maturity.
  294. ****************************

  295. We are divine!. God is lives within us.
  296. ****************************

  297. Life is a long tra!vel. The end of the journey is often unpredictable.
  298. ****************************
  299. Children are the mo!st fearless souls on earth.
  300. ****************************
  301. Every child destiny i!s predetermined by the Creator.
  302. ****************************

  303. The sacred writing! gives instructions on how to live life.
  304. ****************************

  305. Failure is not the end of life. I!t is the beginning of a greater success, if thy will persist.
  306. ****************************

  307. We must patien!tly endure the times.
  308. ****************************

  309. Life experiences tea!ch me to absolute trust God.
  310. ****************************

  311. As young one we le!arned l!ife is a opportunity and when we grow older we learned something more precious death is a gift.
  312. ****************************

  313. Life is like weath!er we have to discover many different seasons.
  314. ****************************
  315. Golden possibilities exist in every adversity.
  316. ****************************
  317. Let go the past. Trust !me, it’s not worth carrying it to your glorious future.
  318. ****************************

  319. Always work !enthusiastically.
  320. ****************************

  321. Be strong, be co!nfident and be determined.
  322. ****************************

  323. Human beings suffer the most when they don’t take a chance to make a change.
  324. ****************************

  325. The life you live will be enrich with every journey you made.
  326. ****************************

  327. Life is a party where! everybody is invited. Feel free to serve yourself.
  328. ****************************

  329. You have to trave!l to see new light, find new hope, renew the mind and revitalize the soul.
  330. ****************************

  331. We can chan!ge the world with much love, kindness and goodness.
  332. ****************************

  333. Most jour!neys in life rarely end up where we originally intended.
  334. ****************************

  335. Today is your !opportunity to build the tomorrow you want.
  336. ****************************
  337. Every journey in life has a destination.
  338. ****************************

  339. Failure teac!hes us the most important life lesson; it’s how we find our true character.
  340. ****************************

  341. Never all!ow adversity to define you. May you find hope and strength to graciously overcome the adversity.
  342. ****************************

  343. Real life isn’t purely filled with roses and rainbows.
  344. ****************************
  345. Love yourself and the beauty of your uniqueness.
  346. ****************************

  347. Be humble, be gentle, be kind.
  348. ****************************

  349. The only time that exists in life is now.
  350. ****************************

  351. You have to push t!hrough every difficulty to achieve the goal.
  352. ****************************

  353. Forget about bein!g impressive and commit to being real. Because being real is impressive!
  354. ****************************
  355. Every day is a journey into the unknown.
  356. ****************************
  357. Unknown de!stinations are the hallmarks of life.
  358. ****************************

  359. One of the !biggest challenge in life is to see things for what they are instead of what you want them to be.
  360. ****************************
  361. Life is a journey let it take you away!

  362. ****************************
  363. Loneliness is like a virus! spreading all over the world.
  364. ****************************

  365. It is easier to conde!n than to understand.
  366. ****************************

  367. God will gene!rously give you wisdom, if thy will ask.
  368. ****************************

  369. You can’t! make a map and expect a river to bend to it.
  370. ****************************

  371. The greatest joy in traveling is seeing where you end up.
  372. ****************************

  373. Life is a journey with almost limitless possibilities.
  374. ****************************

  375. Life is a crazy mixture of intoxicating cocktails.
  376. ****************************
  377. Some journe!ys can only be traveled alone.
  378. ****************************

  379. The only th!ing limiting you is yourself.
  380. ****************************
  381. The timeless promises of God are our confident hope.
  382. ****************************
  383. Hope is !an anchor.
  384. ****************************
  385. It is easier t!o! deal with one with an empty bank account than with one, with a broke mind.
  386. ****************************
  387. When you arr!ive at the destination, never forget where the journey began.
  388. ****************************

  389. May life br!ing you good fortune.
  390. ****************************
  391. Life is not w!hat you have or what you can keep. It is what you can bear to lose.
  392. ****************************

  393. There is a truth in everyone that lies deep within; finding that truth can take a life time or just a moment in s!olitude.
  394. ****************************

  395. We endure har!d times by the power of God.
  396. ****************************
  397. Time is a v!aluable wealth.
  398. ****************************

  399. Time spent with people of not your liking is time wasted.
  400. ****************************
  401. There are o!nly two classes of people in the world – people who lie and people who don’t lie.

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