Staying in the Fire 2017

  • Here we are, the fire has set in again, what do we do? Call the "fire department" to extinguish it? Do we put it out ourselves or just watch it burn? Like most of us we typically call the "fire department" (spouse, friend or maybe a therapist) or try attempt to be the lone wolf and take care of the "fire" (problem) ourselves. Fires can be destructive but also beautiful at the same time if paid attention to carefully.

  • I relied upon others my entire life to help put out my "fires" and as grateful as I am for the assistance, the fires were only kept at bay and never fully extinguished. Well-meaning people can also make the fire worse, not intentionally, but they don't have the means necessary to put out their own, so how can they help you exterminate yours?

  • For years, I couldn't comprehend why my problems would not just go away! What am I doing wrong? After realizing well into my late 30's that I need help, not therapy (I did that for years with no results) but a mentor who could steer me in the right direction, I finally gave in. I resisted this idea forever because I was brought up to be "tough" and to figure stuff out on my own, I don't need anyone telling me what to do. Yes and no, there's a caveat to this. When you're lost, you need good, solid direction, then you can begin to navigate the way yourself. I was lucky enough to find such a loving, caring soul, who not only guided me but genuinely cared about my development and my creative expansion into this world. As I went through this program, it broke me down to my very core. I uncovered decades worth of beliefs that weren't even mine own! I had no idea that this was even a real concept! I was living unconsciously in a horrible amount of pain. Many of us are unconscious to this as well, we see it day in and day out, people just living in misery and not having a damn clue how to fix their problems.

  • This is where the "fire" ignited, so to speak. After being leveled down, I needed to level up and evaluate what was going on in my life. I had learned to feel my emotions when they arose as this was my inner guidance letting me know to stop and identify that something's not right and when things are right too. Emotions need to be nurtured, felt and expressed to truly live a healthy lifestyle. So as the decade's worth of painful feelings that I had pushed away began to surface, it felt like I was living in my own personal hell. I just wanted to pour water on the fire and make it go away or just go through it already! Why is the fire not diminishing? After months of this, then I had a realization that what if the fire isn't meant to go away and I can harness it for goodness instead? What if I just sit with the fire, learn about it and appreciate it for what it is? Slowly I saw that beneath it was undiscovered beauty waiting I failed to acknowledge. This "fire" can help inspire me to bring this message to others to help them be comfortable with theirs.

  • So, I urge you to stay in your "fire" and take away what you need from it. It will be your inspiration in times of darkness. Don't fear it or try to vanquish or run from it, it's yours and yours alone. Let it be your resource, work with it to make it work for you. Resistance will only add fuel to make it burn longer than it needs to. Don't stay with your fire for a long period as that's not the message here. Embrace it, love it, it's here to awaken your true essence and then it's job is through. There's an inner Source inside of you that will not lead you astray, it will bring you through when you've taken away the lesson you need to learn. You will most likely acquire an amazing skill you never knew you had. I never thought I could put together these words I'm conveying to you now, without my fire. A different "fire" will come alive in you, a "knowing" that will prompt you to pursue your passions and to live abundantly, lovingly and successfully as you deserve to be!

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