Quotes on Mind and Consciousness For You

  1. The mind is like a machine that n!ever shuts down. Does the engine of your car or your vacuum cleaner work incessantly, twenty four hours a day? Why does your mind work this way?
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  3. Learn to be aware and consc!ious of your consciousness, and you will find who you really are.
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  5. Concentration is the ability to focus the mind on one point.
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  7. There is consciousness of the ego and the world around you, and there is consciousness of the Real Self, the Real Y!ou.
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  9. Stop your agitated thoughts, and find out who it is that stops them.
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  11. Concentration and m!editation lead to the ability to be without thoughts, but yet retain full consciousness.
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  13. In full calmness and peace you experience the unchanging, eternal pure being that you are.
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  15. You, the real you, are eternal, not the ego, body, feelings or thoughts, but the spirit beyond them.
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  17. You are the consciousness and awareness beyond words and thoughts.
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  19. Upon Self-Realization, you will burst into laughter. You will be amazed how simple and different it is from what you have thought it is.
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  21. To realize your inner self is pure simplicity. You do not have to do anything; yet you have to work hard to get it. It may seem a paradox, but it is not.
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  23. Freedom is won by throwin!g away your mental illusions and attachments.
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  25. Thoughts are not a neces!sity; most of the time they are just distractions that obstruct your inner vision.
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  27. It is possible, through proper means, to teach the mind to think only when it is necessary, for the period of time yo!u decide.
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  29. Without incessant thinking, you become more conscious and alive.
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  31. People’s experience of the! no-thinking state is limited to times of deep sleep or unconsciousness, as in a swoon or under anesthetics.
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  33. Being fully conscious, yet !without thoughts, is like sleep, but yet being awake.
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  35. To understand what inner freedom means, imagine the state of the happiness, calmness, relaxation and peace of mind of deep sleep, but combined with full awakening and awareness.
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  37. The waves of the !mind lose their power to disturb and distract you, when you still the mind and rise above its desires and whims.
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  39. To use the mind when needed, and to switch it off afterwards, is a great art and science.
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  41. Cleanse your !mind with the soap of concentration, and wash it with the water of meditation.
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  43. Consciousness of your real nature dawns, as you start gaining the ability to still your mind.

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