quotes cool new best 2 line 1whatsapp

  1. Truly, great is the man who is not afraid or ashamed of love.
  2. ****************************

  3. It is better to hope than despair.

  4. ****************************
  5. Seek God every morning. Trust God every moment.

  6. ****************************

  7. Not everyone is meant to be in your life for the long run. Some are just passing through to lead us to those that should be.

  8. ****************************

  9. There is an opportunity cost in every action.

  10. ****************************

  11. There are no regrets in life, only experiences. Every experience helps us to be what we can be.

  12. ****************************

  13. Life is a game of chance. You ought to play the game.

  14. ****************************

  15. The knowledge of God’s greatness is joy of the soul.

  16. ****************************

  17. Never stop the vibe of parenthood. It just makes you see life in a more meaningful level.

  18. ****************************

  19. Innocence isn’t something we lose, but realise we don’t need.

  20. ****************************

  21. Love in Life is never a battle of ‘win’ or ‘loss’ but a journey of unconditional acceptance.

  22. ****************************

  23. Respect could never be bought or ordered.

  24. ****************************

  25. Trust and believe in the vision of your mind that others cannot yet see. While others abide by the creed that seeing is believing, you must know that believing is seeing.

  26. ****************************

  27. Real hope is a real sense of knowing that your best days are yet to come, so dream on. What you can conceive is what you can achieve.

  28. ****************************

  29. God gave you purpose, the devil can’t stop it, so the person in the mirror must choose success or failure. Choose success!

  30. ****************************

  31. If you only focus on what is, you may never attain what could be. Focus on the possibilities.

  32. ****************************

  33. We are always learning; we just have different teachers.

  34. ****************************
  35. Don’t miss to take out of mistake.

  36. ****************************

  37. God’s forgiveness is greater than the devil’s hate.

  38. ****************************

  39. Time is your most valuable asset. Money you can spend, lose, and get back. Once time is spent, you can never get it back. Spend your time wisely today.

  40. ****************************

  41. The results of knowledge without application results in nothing at all. Do what you know better to do.

  42. ****************************

  43. Live in the moment! Yesterday is gone forever, tomorrow is yet to come, but you have right now. Live in the moment!

  44. ****************************

  45. It’s amazing how when we were young we wanted to know what it felt like to be older and when we are older we want the feeling of being younger again.

  46. ****************************
  47. The ultimate winner in life is one who receives the grace given to us by Jesus Christ and lives life accordingly.

  48. ****************************

  49. You can go as far as you believe it, but through prayer you can exceed it.

  50. ****************************

  51. Patience is the key that unlocks the door to perseverance that unlocks the door to endurance that unlocks the door to the sustaining power of true success.

  52. ****************************
  53. At times we must forgive others even when they don’t deserve it. We forgive them because we deserve it. Free yourself.

  54. ****************************

  55. Unity is the intentional inclination to corporately control our destination. In other words, achieving the dream takes a team!

  56. ****************************

  57. Nothing is more compelling than the power of choice. You can choose good over evil and right over wrong. Choose right!

  58. ****************************
  59. Do not pursue a life that looks good. Pursue a life that is good.

  60. ****************************
  61. Don’t allow your thoughts of frustration allow you to make decisions out of desperation.

  62. ****************************

  63. Often the greatest successes in life emerge in the presence of failure.

  64. ****************************

  65. Live a joyful life.

  66. ****************************

  67. The Lord gives the bread of adversity and the water of affliction for spiritual rebirth.

  68. ****************************

  69. Where there is life, hope prevails.

  70. ****************************

  71. Life is like a river in which you merge. When you struggle against the current, you suffer. When you flow with the current in a smooth and fluid experience, life becomes effortless and joyful.

  72. ****************************

  73. Make the most of your sacred life on earth.

  74. ****************************

  75. Success comes only through strong will, determination and effort.

  76. ****************************

  77. Beauty should always be acknowledged where it stands.

  78. ****************************

  79. With positive outlook life! will always be beautiful.

  80. ****************************

  81. Peace and gladness in every hom!e is a peace for the society, nation and the world.

  82. ****************************

  83. Work while you can and rest when you must.

  84. ****************************

  85. When life presents you an opportunity seize it!

  86. ****************************

  87. Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes the reason is you’re stupid and make bad decisions.

  88. ****************************

  89. Leaves grow old gracefully, bring such joy in their last lingering days. How vibrant and bright is their final flurry of life.

  90. ****************************

  91. Life never be serious with you it always make fun of you so learn to have fun.

  92. ****************************

  93. That’s the thing about life. A lot of time, it isn’t easy at all. We just have to try and make the best of it.

  94. ****************************

  95. Success often emerges in the! presence of failure.

  96. ****************************

  97. If you think your life is a nigh!tmare, don’t wake up. Reality is worse.
  98. !
  99. ****************************

  100. True defeat, is when you allow !ourself to become jaded by pain and disappointment.

  101. ****************************

  102. The deeds of the light are love, faith and purity.

  103. ****************************

  104. Run you own race of life with patient.

  105. ****************************

  106. You ought to pray for grace to handle the uncertainties in life.

  107. ****************************

  108. The arrogant heart can only be humbled by love.

  109. ****************************

  110. Your life is a personal lesson. For everyon!e else it is a loud example.

  111. ****************************

  112. The worst poverty can be fou!nd within the cold heart.

  113. ****************************

  114. Words are life. Positive words create positive life.

  115. ****************************

  116. It takes courage to face the sunshine.

  117. ****************************

  118. Do not give up on love.

  119. ****************************

  120. You are a beautiful and wonderful soul. Recognise and illuminate it.

  121. ****************************

  122. In life do what you want. Because !you’ll regret it later on when you can no longer do it.

  123. ****************************

  124. Everyday in your life is e!ventually the last one.

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  126. ****************************

  127. If you keep comparin!g yourself to others you will never do anything.

  128. ****************************

  129. Try earlier and make errors sooner rathe!r than later and see where you got it wrong while you still have time to improve.

  130. ****************************
  131. Man is busy driving his life, and forgets it has an end until he fatally crushes it into a pit.

  132. ****************************

  133. Money can buy you Playstation but not time to play it.

  134. ****************************

  135. Life seeks for willing soul. You can be the one.

  136. ****************************

  137. With patient and perseve!rance, the mountain is conquered.

  138. ****************************

  139. A man ought to pray daily! for himself, his wife, his children and his family.

  140. ****************************
  141. Consistency in right thinkin!g and right doing is how you stay up in a down world.

  142. ****************************
  143. Tomorrow is always a better day.

  144. ****************************

  145. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.

  146. ****************************

  147. God speak to us through dreams, prayer and reading of Holy Bible.

  148. ****************************

  149. Telling that guy a secr!et is like writing it across the sky.

  150. ****************************

  151. Sooner or later everythi!ng that exists ceases to exist, and then something comes along to take its place, but not always something better.

  152. ****************************
  153. The same one who mistreated you will be the one needing you. So, don’t hesitate to help. Because that will be the best positive revenge.

  154. ****************************

  155. Sometimes it’s too heavy to give a second chance.

  156. ****************************

  157. Take one minute every day and think hard about your life. You will always change for the best.

  158. ****************************
  159. What matters is not how long it takes but the grace of fulfilled dream.

  160. ****************************

  161. Actions win wars. Actions he!al wounds. Not words. Words are cheap. Mine, particularly. -Drew Evans.

  162. ****************************
  163. !ople dare not look closely at life: It’s a horrible sight.

  164. ****************************

  165. Those who commit suicide, pensive, lonely, philosophers, are awake in life, which is a serious crime. In life everybody must! be asleep.

  166. ****************************
  167. Life is good for dreamers, if you are awake you’re missing on some great fun.

  168. ****************************

  169. The Lord will never forsake you.

  170. ****************************

  171. The chief significance of life is to find your soul.

  172. ****************************

  173. Imagination is a pl!easant phenomenon.

  174. ****************************

  175. Never allow evil to conqu!er you. But overcome evil with good deeds.

  176. ****************************

  177. Every day is precious a!s none of us knows when or where our journey will end.

  178. ****************************

  179. A prayer and positive affir!mation are the keys for a divine intervention in any situation.

  180. ****************************

  181. God will fulfil His promise. Wait patiently for God to act.

  182. ****************************

  183. May God deliver you from every darkness to the glorious light.

  184. ****************************

  185. Endless faith, Infinite hope.

  186. ****************************
  187. It is better to live life with !great faith, hope and courage.

  188. ****************************

  189. The ‘Lord’s Prayer’ is totally of life.

  190. ****************************

  191. One act of betrayal can shatter a lifetime of trust.

  192. ****************************
  193. The best part of the journey is the surprise and wonder along the way.

  194. ****************************

  195. Be the music of your soul. Don’t be a pawn in someone else’s game.

  196. ****************************

  197. May you find the God-predestined path for your life.

  198. ****************************
  199. Without life’s struggles, we cannot grow into the person that we are meant to become.

  200. ****************************
  201. !
  202. Challenges exist in life; don’t be afraid, there is grace for triumphant.

  203. ****************************

  204. We travel with our t!houghts to great lands.

  205. ****************************

  206. The greatest success is to live the life of your dreams.

  207. ****************************

  208. Mankind is one human family.

  209. ****************************

  210. Your life is the only journey, you travel unaided.

  211. ****************************

  212. Try not to do wrong in the process of doing right.

  213. ****************************
  214. Life is a sweet sour adventure. When you want to go it becomes sweet, when you remain, it becomes sour.

  215. ****************************
  216. Every life is a unique r!andom business.

  217. ****************************

  218. Smart is informed reaso!ning, therefore anyone is smart if they research before reasoning.

  219. ****************************

  220. Life is an invisible stampede

  221. ****************************

  222. The Power of One: just one is all it takes to change your life forever!

  223. ****************************

  224. It is very important to understand why those annoying people annoy you and then figure out where that fits into your world.

  225. ****************************

  226. We need to learn ourselves before we can understand what really annoys us!

  227. ****************************
  228. There are in life real evils enough and it is folly to afflict ourselves with imaginary ones.

  229. ****************************

  230. Each man lives in his ow!n universe and when he dies the world is over.

  231. ****************************

  232. Energy is everything – Its the essence of life!

  233. ****************************

  234. Open your eyes! !nd observe the miracles of everyday life. Absolute Amazing!

  235. ****************************

  236. In every situation, may we find the grace of endurance.

  237. ****************************

  238. If a certain event repeats itself over and over again, it means somewhere someone has destined it.

  239. ****************************

  240. Do not be overcome by hate. But conquer hate with love.

  241. ****************************

  242. Always remember the primary purpose of your life is living in tune with your energy pattern, find the true expression for the en!ergy and go with the flow!

  243. ****************************
  244. You need bravery for co!mpassion. In the picture of your soul, the bravery points are the most beautiful.

  245. ****************************
  246. Some things are very important and some are very unimportant. To know the difference is what we are given life to find out.

  247. ****************************
  248. Hope is a gaze on a higher power to meet our every need.

  249. ****************************
  250. Hope makes life worth living.

  251. ****************************

  252. There two separates wo!rld; life and dead!

  253. ****************************
  254. Sometimes the rope seem!s the only option when at the bottom of the pit. Climb it to safety.

  255. ****************************
  256. Some people start to! live when they die.

  257. ****************************

  258. Somethings are simply better left the way they are.

  259. ****************************
  260. Don’t look for meaning in life. It was meant to be lived not understood.

  261. ****************************
  262. Life is like water in a glass. Drop by drop the glass empties.

  263. ****************************

  264. Don’t allow the dem!ands of work load; make you lose touch with life.

  265. ****************************

  266. Life is a dream. W!e wake up when we die.

  267. ****************************

  268. We ought to be patient at all times.

  269. ****************************

  270. Times of adversity, rekindle my spirit.

  271. ****************************

  272. Be enthusias!tic about your life.

  273. ****************************

  274. Enjoy good times, endure adversity.

  275. ****************************

  276. Life is so! sweet. A man will even kiss the a** of his enemy to have his head spared.

  277. ****************************

  278. There are t!wo important days in your life. The day you discovered you were alive and the day you forgot about it.

  279. ****************************

  280. Life is a stamped!e to get to the top.

  281. ****************************

  282. Love is an only wa!y of happily Living.

  283. ****************************
  284. Life is a war. Guerrilla warfare, the strategy.

  285. ****************************

  286. The harder life is, the closer to life we are.

  287. ****************************

  288. Physical pain is the! point where utopian life meets real, hard life.

  289. ****************************

  290. The courage to a!sk question is a daring act.

  291. ****************************

  292. Life is unexchangeable grace.

  293. ****************************

  294. You were not born to make only a living but to live life.

  295. ****************************

  296. It’s not always true that a person who speaks good words are good at their heart.

  297. ****************************

  298. Family is the only why of life.

  299. ****************************

  300. To failure at some!thing is an attempt to succeed. Be strong and try again.

  301. ****************************

  302. The hardest th!ing in life is a man to be honest with himself.

  303. ****************************

  304. No one can understand your pain until they experience it. Stop trying to explain.

  305. ****************************

  306. Life is a rehearsal. Get dressed and be ready to face it daily.

  307. ****************************
  308. Even a happiest person have a past they need to hide.

  309. ****************************
  310. The highest form! of worship is to answer God’s prayer.

  311. ****************************

  312. If you still have f!ear, you love life.

  313. ****************************

  314. Life is your grea!test asset.

  315. ****************************
  316. The only person who can hurt you is Yourself.

  317. ****************************

  318. Life’s greatest l!essons were not shown to me, read to me, illustrated or explained to me; they happened to me.

  319. ****************************
  320. You cannot receive u!ntil you learn to release.

  321. ****************************

  322. By the power of !God, everything came into existence.

  323. ****************************

  324. Nature has endow!ed us with some measure of insanity to cope with the realities of daily life.

  325. ****************************
  326. Life becomes unbearable when, instead of living it, you stop to think about it.

  327. ****************************

  328. Despotic disposition and!
  329. ****************************
  330. Gratitude is the spi!rit of graceful sacred-existence.

  331. ****************************
  332. Your love awake!ns my spirit.

  333. ****************************

  334. Choose fait!h to live life rather than fear.

  335. ****************************

  336. Never modify your goals, amplify your might.

  337. ****************************

  338. The fortune that you feel you don’t deserve is heaven’s compensation for the misfortunes she feels you didn’t deserve.

  339. ****************************

  340. It is necessary for us to learn from others’ mistakes. You will not live long enough to make them all yourself.

  341. ****************************
  342. Never let your fears b!e the boundaries of your dreams.

  343. ****************************
  344. The more we give o!f ourself, the more we find ourself.

  345. ****************************
  346. The power of the !mind is the strength of being.

  347. ****************************
  348. We can on!ly diffuse kindness, to the souls filled with bitterness. This is the greatest deeds to awaken their good spirit.

  349. ****************************

  350. Relax and Recreate !ourself!

  351. ****************************
  352. !
  353. Great life, great deed!s.Great deeds, great blessings.

  354. ****************************

  355. Good fortune ofte!n occurs when you stop expecting life to present opportunities to you and you start presenting opportunities to life.

  356. ****************************
  357. You ought to live life with great passion.

  358. ****************************

  359. So many people who t!hink they know only know what they don’t know, as time passes by, they may get to know what they don’t know and then they will know.

  360. ****************************
  361. Think of your life !not as a disappearing horizon, but as an approaching hope.

  362. ****************************
  363. Gratitude gives infinite fullness of life.

  364. ****************************

  365. New adventures enrich one’s life.

  366. ****************************

  367. The exact moment today ends, tomorrow begins.

  368. ****************************

  369. The greatest virtue! is endurance.

  370. ****************************

  371. Death is not good. It’s just a fact. !e don’t need to give it so much importance. So I don’t want to read anything that talks about it.

  372. ****************************

  373. Your mockers will only h!ave your attention only if you give them your attention.

  374. ****************************

  375. There exist bright sunny moment in any events of life.

  376. ****************************

  377. It takes great faith to fight the odds in life.

  378. ****************************
  379. Surprising choice proves hardest to come by. Most choices, even the disastrous ones, are predictable.

  380. ****************************
  381. !
  382. Have the courage to take owners!hip of your life by making your own decisions.

  383. ****************************

  384. Live your greatest dream.

  385. ****************************

  386. The greatest li!e is to live your greatest dream.

  387. ****************************

  388. Love your soul mate.

  389. ****************************

  390. The experience of the expert is an advantage to them only for as long as it enables them to learn faster than the novice.

  391. ****************************

  392. Sometimes those who cha!llenge you most.. Teach you best.

  393. ****************************
  394. People spend their entire lives searching the world for the pieces that will make them whole, yet those pieces are only fou!nd within them.

  395. ****************************

  396. Wisdom comes fr!om life experience; life experience is the result of repeatedly taking corrective action while courageousl!y learning from mistakes.

  397. ****************************

  398. Be blind to people who m!ock at you, Be deaf to people who gossip behind you.

  399. ****************************

  400. We don’t blame y!our shadow for the shape of your body. Don’t blame others for the shape of your experience.

  401. ****************************
  402. !
  403. Some things can’t be taught; they can only be discovered.

  404. ****************************

  405. You can elevate you!rself to higher self by devotion to God.

  406. ****************************

  407. Live in such a way tha!t when you die you leave God in your will for your children.

  408. ****************************

  409. Wisdom come! from making mistakes, having the courage to face them, and make adjustments moving forward based upon the knowledge aquired through those experiences.

  410. ****************************

  411. Belief and faith are great, but very few people have been led astray by thinking for themselves.

  412. ****************************
  413. False has many !wings. Do not judge anything by its popularity.

  414. ****************************

  415. A life of faith !is an enduring sacred-existence.

  416. ****************************

  417. Your reality is! your own making.

  418. ****************************
  419. What you think o!f is what you will attract to your life.

  420. ****************************
  421. There is always! exception to every rule.

  422. ****************************

  423. You have to !make your own choices in life.

  424. ****************************

  425. In the great!est trial, we behold the greatness of our great God.

  426. ****************************

  427. Time is valuable! in life. You can show someone how much you appreciate them by giving your time. A good amount of time goes b!y each day. Spending time with the ones you love shows them how much you care.

  428. ****************************

  429. If you don’t make yo!ur choices, others will give you’re their choice.

  430. ****************************

  431. Happiness is surroun!ding yourself only with those who bestow their unconditional love and support.

  432. ****************************
  433. Life is an inside job !and it is much easier if we let it go and get out of our own way!

  434. ****************************

  435. When we reco!nnect with nature, we will be restore ourselves.

  436. ****************************
  437. Avoid and !ignore the idiots who try to bring you down in life; they are not worth your time.

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