How To Determine What You Really

  1. ##Have you ever heard someone say, I wish I could be a stockbroker? Or, they may choose some other profession. Others will say they wish they could play a musical instrument or how they would love to make a living as a professional sports player. It is within each person's ability to do any of those things. The question is, how badly do they really want it##

  2. ##If you want something bad enough, you will persevere to make sure you get it. Otherwise, it's just a pipe dream. If you are not happy in your current career, but constantly dream about doing something you have always wanted to do, what is stopping you##

  3. ##Maybe what you want requires a degree, and you don't have the money. Another possibility is you don't believe you have the talent to take on your dreams, so you forget about them over time. It wasn't meant to be##

  4. ##But, what about all the people who do accomplish what you gave up on? How come they were able to make it happen##

  5. The truth is, they wanted it enough to make it happen. They persevered. You'll find a slew of stories from people who didn't have the money or the right equipment, or the talent, etc. The difference is they found a way to find what they were lacking. This is the golden concept behind doing what you love.

  6. So, does this mean you are stuck doing what you are currently doing? For many, this is exactly what will happen, and that is a shame. It doesn't have to be that way. You need to figure out how to make your dreams become a reality.

  7. It's quite possible you are focusing on the wrong dreams. Try to pinpoint what it is you want to do and use that as the basis. When you find the right dream, you are likely to take the necessary steps to set the stage to achieve those dreams.

  8. It's okay to have different goals and dreams to shoot for. You may even find yourself going after several of them. It's probably a good idea to put your efforts in one-at-a-time to increase your chances of success.

  9. Even if you pursue the wrong dream initially, at least you gave it a try. However, before giving up, make sure you put in the necessary time and steps. You should know early on whether you have made the right choice. At that point, make any adjustments you see fit.

  10. By the way, Keye Wu is on a mission to transform 1 million guys into the most productive, masculine and purposeful men.

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