Finding Your Own Purpose 2017

  1. I believe that our purpose in life is to help, heal, and serve others. Moreover, the focus on those things that you love, those things that make your heart happy, and the opportunity to complete others by completing yourself are the things that bring meaning to life. Everyone needs to have a purpose in their life in order to feel harmony with yourself and have the feeling of fulfillment in your life. Your self-purpose doesn't have to be rooted in your job. In fact, it can be something you do outside of work. It is whatever gives your life purpose. Starting points in this journey of self-discovery and fulfillment begins with these questions:

  2. • Why do you do what you do? 
  3. • Do you do what you do for yourself? Or for others? Or just for the paycheck? 
  4. • What do you give most of your attention to?

  5. These are important questions to ask yourself. Another way to ask this might be as follows, what kind of difference are you making and what will expand you?

  6. All change begins by taking ownership and responsibility of your own life. I would suggest that you tune into what you want versus letting your fears and doubts control, bind, and stymie your vision. Why is it important to do what you love? That love and happiness makes you healthier and more successful, which can lead to becoming wealthier. True happiness, healthiness, and success comes when you are in line with what you want to do. If you are not miserable, but not happy, don't go to the grave with songs still in you waiting to be written or shared. Do more of what you love and less of what you don't love and convert those vacant spaces into what you love. Life is a constant process so be aware of what you do and what you spend your time on. Loving what you do and being present will bring you new and better things.

  7. In finding your purpose, you must listen to your heart and not your head. Your heart is your right brain, which doesn't think about things logically, like your left brain does. For example, will I be able to make money at this? Will this help me get to the next step? The right brain thinks, will this make me happy? Will this help someone? Will this make a difference?

  8. To overcome all the blocks and distractions of society and to set aside your ego, you must tap into your right brain. The way to tap into your right brain is by doing things that make it stretch and grow in ways that support artistic and creative thinking. People are now realizing that by doing artistic things such as painting or using adult coloring books, allows your left brain to relax, and to be able to hear your true inner thoughts through the right brain. There are many other ways to hear the right brain's inspirational thoughts. For example, have you ever heard people say that thoughts come to them in the shower, or when they go for a run? Inspirations come to us at times when your left brain is relaxed and you are not focusing on logical outcomes.

  9. Finding value and inspiration for your life's purpose is harder for some people and easy for others. I believe it is everyone's right and necessary journey to live out their purpose and share it with the world. The light inside of you is yours and to keep that illumination void of others is a missed opportunity to grow both yourself and the world that is around you! Remember, "The purpose of life is a life of purpose.

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